Enduro Bearings packningsset, Fox 36 mm
799.00 kr
nduro Bearings invented, designed andformulated polyurethane wipers for the mountainbike fork. Standard designs are plagued bystiction contamination and quick degradation ofoverall performance. Enduro Bearings signatureBlue Polyurethane wipers solve these problems,upgrading performance in all of these areas,especially smooth performance over long periodswithout maintenance. They keep the dirt out andthe oil inside. Enduro Bearings wipers sealbetter, move faster, are slicker, last longer,and run quieter than stock wipers. And nowcoming with Moly Disulphide lubricated lower oilseals, your forks will move quicker still whilenever leaking a drop of oil. Available for mostmajor brands and models of suspension forks atsubstantial savings and improvement over stockwipers.